
Recent Activity

  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 8th December

    going to be like America
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 8th December

    Marxists is taking over
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 8th December

    I’m not allowed to say anything the truth about Islam don’t whinge if black or Islam start in trouble we saying this for years and years I given up if you wanna shit England we going to have a shit England  people running our country are traitors illegal immigrants taking over
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 8th December

    I can't get a house anymore I am not black or  or other   I don't belong in my own country anymore I am to white
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 8th December

    These two people not my people Is Britain is the white country can just stay like that that’s a problem we don’t want mixed race I know what BBC News gonna I know what BBC News gonna say about this 
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 22nd November

    Please powerful men or women to fight back
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 22nd November

    Any British people go to Parliament and shout at the Parliament  we need to save our people and our country we just had enough I knew this gonna happen the stupid backward country I had a feeling something bad is gonna happen
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 8th November

    Come on our British people save our country get off our arses governments not gonna do nothing we have to do it ourselves it is getting worse We letting these people faded our country  if you don’t wake up now going to get worse And  stop vote corrupt governments  and government don't care our country is getting faded
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 27th October

    I don’t recognise Britain anymore.  I haven't seen anyone saving our country our history been astroid and changed and other problems are going to get worse and worse  only way we save our country have a war
  • jamesh8769 has commented on Jayda Fransen - LIVE 7PM - 27th October

    We lose in our country and the anyway and everything Couse